Alexander the Great Conquers Ephesus
Alexander the Great Conquers Ephesus
In 334 BCE, Alexander the Great marched his army across the Hellespont and into Asia Minor, launching his campaign to conquer the Persian Empire. One of the first cities he encountered on his march was Ephesus, which was then under Persian rule.
Alexander quickly captured the city, and it became one of the many Hellenistic cities that he established throughout his empire. Under Hellenistic rule, Ephesus continued to prosper and grow, with new public works and infrastructure projects being built.
One of the most notable buildings constructed during this time was the theater, which could seat up to 24,000 people and was used for a variety of events, including drama performances and gladiatorial games.
Ephesus also became an important center of learning during the Hellenistic period, with the Library of Celsus being built in the 2nd century CE. The library housed thousands of scrolls and was considered one of the most important centers of learning in the ancient world.
Overall, Alexander's conquest of Ephesus was a turning point in the city's history, as it became a major center of Hellenistic culture and influence in the region. The city continued to thrive under subsequent rulers, including the Romans who eventually took control of the city, and it remained an important center of trade, culture, and learning for centuries to come.